Light: A Fundamental Need
As we go about our lives, we perceive the world around us through our senses, with the most used one being our sense of sight. Light particles bounce off objects around us and enters our eyes, which our brains then translate into an image we can see in our mind’s eye. It is through light that we can experience the world around us the way that we do.
This also means different types of light can color our perception of the world in certain ways. A bright, radiant blue sky conjures up feelings of peace and hope, whereas the dull orange glow of a sunset inspires calm, serenity, and awe. It is undeniable that light plays an essential role in our everyday lives.

Photo credit: @urbandelineation
The Importance of Quality Lighting
At this point, you may wonder: what defines different types of light? Light fixtures may look identical, but the light produced by these fixtures carry traits that can be vastly different, and it is these traits that will determine a light’s quality, and whether it will suit a user’s needs.
Some of these traits (a.k.a. specifications) are:
- Color Rendering Index (CRI):
A measurement of how accurate a light source reproduces colors. A high CRI is vital for effective workspaces, as it will ensure colour accuracy and also provide eye comfort. Go for CRI 90 or more for the best quality of light illumination.

- Component Quality:
A light fixture can only be as good as its components. Choose light fixtures made of components from reputable manufacturers to avoid poor-quality lights.

- Lumens & Wattage:
Lumens is a measurement of the amount of light emitted by a light fixture, while wattage is a measurement of the power output of a light. Both are correlated, and an adequate number of lumens/wattage will ensure a space is bright enough for its intended purposes.

Photo credit: @urbandelineation
When looking to light up a space with good quality lighting, the above points should all be considered. By choosing good quality lights, you can ensure the light output provides the most alluring illumination, thereby enhance the overall ambience in a home. Low quality light will wash out the rich palette of colors that you have painstakingly put together in your interior, and nobody wants that.
Lighting for the Home
When it comes to lighting up a home, our human nature comes into play. As visual creatures, our eyes are naturally drawn to the bright areas of a space. This means just having good quality lighting is not enough here: proper light planning with respect to the intended look and feel of a home and its rooms is also necessary.
In interior design, lighting is just as important an aspect as any other. For example, imagine spending a substantial amount of time, effort, and money to create your dream home with well-though design with premium materials, only to find that the lights chosen did not elevate the overall space as intended on the day of the big reveal. The visual nature of aesthetics would mean that lighting is key in creating the look and feel that you want. Lighting quality and light planning can make or break the design of a space. As we do encounter new home-owners who end up spending more money by replacing their existing light fixtures because what they purchased is not what they expected. It may be easy to refer to specifications and numbers, but it is almost impossible to dictate the quality of light until you see it in person.

Here in Shiok Lighting, not only we have a physical gallery located at a centralised location that is easy access for everyone, we invested in knowledgeable lighting specialists and experience rooms to provide a wholesome introduction on lightings for every home.
Healthy Lights
Aside from the above-mentioned items, lighting also permeates further into our lives by affecting our health. Studies has shown that, lighting can evoke certain feelings and emotions in us. Considering that we are exposed to the lights in our homes for a substantial period of our daily lives, this can have an impact on our mental health.
On top of this, there is also a biological factor. Light affects how we sleep. By having a direct effect on our circadian rhythm, good lighting design can help us sleep better, and this benefit carries over into every other aspect of our lives. Some ways of improving sleep through lighting; use smart lights that can progressively dim themselves based on a set schedule, or set specific lighting tone for different moods.

Yeelight 450C that is shown here is smart ceiling lamp that allows you to change light color and brightness within your fingertips. More smart functions(i.e. set schedule) are also included for different needs.
Finally, good lighting design also helps to preserve the health of our eyes. Insufficient lighting causes strain on our eyes, but too much light can also have detrimental effects. Adequate lighting is important in keeping our eyes healthy, and should be taken into account in the lighting design of every home.
This is where an often-overlooked aspect of lighting design shines: flexibility. By using light modules that can be changed easily, or have multiple functions, lighting can be adapted to different functions or chapters of life. Using these in a home can improve quality of life, as you will always have the option of tweaking the lights to your needs.

Eclipse spotlight shown here is cleverly designed to fit both bulbs and our modules. Home-owners have greatly benefited from the increased convenience provided by the ability to change the light source independently, thanks to its flexibility.
Some examples of products that can provide homeowners with this flexibility are:
- Smart Bulbs:
These are light bulbs that are easy to change and install, and are an economical way of implementing smart lighting into a home without having to install additional infrastructure. Most smart bulbs provide brightness control as well as color control, and can be controlled from anywhere in the home conveniently through an app.
- Dim-to-Warm Lights:
These are light modules that become progressively warmer in color as they are dimmed, and can make the lighting conditions in a room perfect for a morning/evening meditation session.

Safety, Compliance & Environmental
In Singapore, certain appliances classified as controlled goods are required by law to carry the Safety Mark certification. This certification is proof that the appliance has been tested by the relevant local authorities to be compliant with the applicable safety standards, and are protected against fire and electrical hazards.
When it comes to lighting, the Safety Mark requirement applies. When it comes to these appliances, always insist on products that carry the Safety Mark. There should be zero compromise when it comes to ensuring the safety of our loved ones at home, and the things we furnish our home with should also reflect this.

It is not just safety for ourselves that should be considered here, however: safety for the environment is also just as important. In today’s world, LED lighting is the clear choice for home lighting due to its high energy efficiency, and low power requirements. With LED lights being highly affordable and widely available nowadays, we recommend choosing this eco-friendly option whenever possible.
On A Personal Note
Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution in lighting design. Perception of lighting is highly subjective, and can differ greatly between individuals. Our preferences are also influenced by our personal wants and needs. As such, one should consider all of the above in their home’s lighting design but must remember to apply themselves into the situation. After all, the lights in our homes are mostly going to be used by ourselves. We understand that this task may be complicated for many home-owners, especially first time owners, do seek advices from your interior designer and work closely with them as they know your preference the best (isn’t their expertise the main reason you engaged them?). Pick their brain and their expertise will help you greatly!

Photo credit: @urbandelineation
In Conclusion
Ultimately, modern lighting solutions and latest technology have afforded us the ability to easily incorporate lighting design into our home. By putting in some proper thought and planning, better lighting can be achieved, and therefore provide us with better quality of life.